Alexandria, Va.-based National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) announced the return of the Share Your Story Contest for beer distribution employees who have never attended the NBWA Annual Convention & Trade Show. The contest is intended to highlight some of the 130,000 men and women who make up the beer distribution industry, including truck drivers, inventory specialists, graphic artists, sales representatives, warehouse workers and receptionists, the association says.
As beer consumers have been looking to trade up and explore new flavors, the imported beer segment has been enjoying growth. In fact, the imported beer segment grew about 8.4 percent in dollar sales in the 52 weeks ending Dec. 28, 2014, in channels measured by Chicago-based Information Resources Inc.
When it comes to what people like to watch on TV, top show choices are fairly consistent across the various demographics, including the different generations.
Perrier creates District Perrier to show consumers its bolder side
April 15, 2015
According to a study from the University of Washington Center for Public Health published in Nutrition Journal, including 100 percent fruit juice in one’s diet can make a difference.
Hard cider brand encourages consumers to drink over ice
April 7, 2015
Strongbow Hard Apple Cider, a brand of White Plains, N.Y.-based Heineken USA, is gearing up to hit the refresh button on summer from May through August with a fully integrated 360-degree program that invites shoppers to experience Strongbow at its “bestest” when it is served over ice.
Remember cramming for exams in college? Many students who tried to pull all-nighters in order to prepare for a test the next day might have turned to coffee to stimulate their cognitions.
Pabst Brewery releases limited-edition King Gambrinus bobbleheads
February 16, 2015
Boca Raton, Fla.-based Maui Spa and Wellness Center hired Insider Media Management to help spread the concept that the same ingredients that make beer taste good also are beneficial for the body.