Vermont Hard Cider Co. President and Chief Executive Officer Bret Williams estimates that when he joined the Middlebury, Vt.-based company in 1996 as its first sales associate that the company shipped approximately 300,000 cases a year. In 2012, the company shipped 3 million cases of its Woodchuck Hard Cider brand, he says.
Automation streamlines mixing and blending capabilities
March 15, 2013
Superman might be faster than a speeding bullet, and The Flash might be able to run at near-light-speeds, but superheroes aren’t the only ones with the need for speed.
With six manufacturing facilities and 22 distribution operations across eight states, Raleigh, N.C.-based Pepsi Bottling Ventures (PBV) has a lot from which to take inspiration.
Growing up, your mother probably reminded you to clean and organize your room, which seemed like a daunting enough chore, and you probably wished you had a robot to do it for you.
Function has added a new dynamic to the beverage landscape, which has allowed beverage-makers to explore new ingredients, package sizes and innovative products.