The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS), Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA), FMI - The Food Industry Association and the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) issued a joint commitment related to the responsible marketing and merchandising of crossover alcohol products.
Colangelo & Partners and Wine Opinions conducted its second annual wine survey, this year honing in on U.S. wine drinker attitudes and behaviors, as well as trends related to beverage alcohol consumption and health.
No Alcohol Company (NoAlchCo) announced the launch of its non-alcohol wine collection, featuring a selection of varietals including Rosé, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon.
Born from a passion to make wine fun, easy and inclusive, Love Cork Screw’s Founder Chrishon Lampley highlights how the brand in on a mission to reinvent the wine industry.
Halter Ranch unveiled its newest release: 2021 El Pecado. First introduced in 2006, the name translates to “the sin” in reference to the sinful indulgence of this dessert wine, the company says.
Following interest and engagement from followers on Instagram, Ben Soffer founded Spritz Society, a collection of sparkling wine cocktails featuring all-natural, transparent ingredients.
On Demand In Beverage Industry’s annual State of the Industry: The Alcohol Beverage Market, analysts at Beverage Marketing Corporation delve into these trends and how they’re shaping the industry.