Packaging is an ever evolving segment of the beverage industry. It is driven by available technology and the demands of the consumer. Many consumers do a lot of research before they make a purchase, even in the realm of beverages.

Packaging from renewable sources is becoming increasingly more common and the changing methods to produce it keeps this at the forefront of packaging trends. For many brands, the goal is to have any new packaging material or design fit within a circular economy strategy. Coca-Cola, which introduced a 100% plant-based PET bottle in 2015, now uses the bioplastic for 29% of their packaging volume in North America and 8% globally with plans to continue expanding its use. They will also expand their recovery and recycling efforts.

The issue right now is trying to define what ‘packaging from renewable sources’ actually means, and to provide methods for comparing one alternative to another. Wal-Mart’s scorecard, and industry organizations like PAC, IOPP and Sustainable Packaging Coalition are developing guidelines, and definitions for sustainable packaging.

The consumer has driven the trend for sustainably sourced packaging. Public awareness has grown, and the desire to make changes is reflected in the packaging they purchase. As shoppers seek healthy and natural products, they expect the packaging will not have a negative impact on the eco-systems. A recent survey conducted by EcoFocus showed that consumers look to buy products in recyclable packaging and packaging made from renewable materials. Material conservation is part of that philosophy, so package weight has been significantly reduced.

Along with this desire for recyclable packaging is the trend toward clean labeling. While a clean label typically focuses on food and beverage ingredients we see trends that the consumer is interested in the origin and after use life for the package. The increasing demand from consumers for products that are healthy has made it imperative for brands to focus on creating packaging and processing technologies that keeps beverages fresh without the use of preservatives. Shoppers are looking for health and sustainability and brands must reflect that image to entice them to purchase.

To help you meet these challenges and to understand beverage technology, check out your free trial of the Fundamentals of Beverage Technology course today.


To help you meet these challenges and to understand beverage technology, check out your free trial of the Fundamentals of Beverage Technology online course course today.