Vbee! functional watersNew York Spring Water launched a line of zero-calorie, functional waters called Vbee!. Using the company’s patented twist cap technology, VBee! beverages blend spring water with vitamins and calcium to create a healthy, fun hydration experience for children, it says. The dispensing cap is able to keep vitamins potent for at least a year, it adds. The line is available in Blue Raspberry, Watermelon and Green Apple flavors. A 300-ml bottle retails for approximately $0.99.

New York Spring Water, New York
Telephone: 212/777-4649
Internet: www.newyorkspringwater.com
Distribution: Select markets
Ingredients: Blue Raspberry: Pure spring water, calcium lactate, purified water, maltodextrin, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors, Reb-A, ester gum, niacin, vitamin D, potassium benzoate, potassium sorbate, sodium hexametaphosphate, pantothenic acid, Blue No. 1, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin.