Smartrac Technology Group announced the launch of its new Maxdura Keg product line. Available in UHF and dual-frequency standard, the hard tags provide superior solutions for identifying and tracking beverage kegs, gas cylinders and other curved metal returnable transport items under bulk-reading conditions, the company says. Available as RAIN radio-frequency identification (RFID) and dual-frequency (UHF and NFC) tags, and designed for adhesive mounting or PU embedding, the company has addressed the typical drawbacks of conventional RFID tags for curved metal RTIs, including reading failures in multiple unit environments and tag damage during production, distribution and cleaning and forklift handling. Because Maxdura keg tags are fully encased hard tags permanently glued to the inner face of the keg, they avoid those issues while withstanding harsh treatment. The tag placement enables reading rates of 100 percent, even when pallets or truckloads with as many as 50 kegs are passing through a UHF RFID gate. The antennas also are optimized to deliver maximum reading performance when placed about 15-20 mm from the handling hole. The dual NFC functionality simply requires tapping the tag with a smartphone, it says. For kegs with polyurethane covers, the company offers its Maxdura Keg Embedded, in which tags come as printed circuit boards without a casing. For added functionality, the keg tags are suitable for building into new kegs or can be retrofitted into existing kegs. Both versions benefit from the company’s Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platform that records and manages a complete set of unique transponder data (e.g., UID number, order number, batch number or yield) at production level in a controlled and secure way. The smart digitization solutions also enable full traceability of delivered RFID products with reliable, proven quality assurance, the company says.

Smartrac Technology Group
Karlsruher Str. 3, 70771
Leinfelden-Ecterdingen Germany