Atlanta-based The Coca-Cola Co., which launched Dasani Drops in October of last year, launched another brand into the liquid drink mix segment but with a sports drink angle. New Powerade Zero Drops enable consumers to turn water into a zero-calorie, electrolyte-enhanced, flavored sports drink, the company says.
Available in Fruit Punch, Mountain Berry Blast and Orange flavors, Powerade Zero Drops are packaged in 3-ounce squeezable, grippable bottles that make approximately 24 8-ounce servings. With a suggested retail price of $3.99, the line is available in the drink mix aisle at retailers nationwide.
“Convenience is key,” said Ilan Sobel, senior vice president of glacéau, in a statement. “Between class, practice, errands and work, our lives are becoming busier and busier by the day. With Powerade Zero Drops, we’re providing athletes with even more options to help hydrate with sports drinks. And, we’re doing it without sacrificing any of the great taste or zero-calorie, electrolyte-enhanced refreshment that people have come to expect from us.”