Creator’s Briefs
Organic ingredients
Chr. Hansen, Milwaukee, introduced an ingredient
portfolio of colors, flavors, seasonings and dairy and probiotic cultures
for use in foods labeled “made with organic ingredients,” as
defined by the National Organic Program (NOP). For these applications, the
company formulates its ingredient products to be NOP compliant, which is a
self-assessment that involves a thorough review of its suppliers and
processes that include purchasing, regulatory, development and
manufacturing. To help food manufacturers understand the organic industry,
Chr. Hansen has produced a new informational piece that also introduces its
formulation and ingredient solutions for organic foods. — Chr. Hansen, 9015 West Maple Street, P.O. Box 14428,
Milwaukee, Wis. 53214; 414/607-5700; chr-hansen.com.
Sweeter than sugar
Roxlor International released CitriSweet, a blend of
prebiotic oligofructose, fructose and Roxlor’s proprietary sweetening
system that produces a sweetness 10 times greater than sugar and is rich in
soluble fiber. CitriSweet utilizes natural flavors and citrus extracts that
provide a clean, sweet taste to an assortment of products. With a bland
mouthfeel and no perceptible aftertaste, it acts as a good masking agent
for soy and whey protein products, vitamins and minerals. Its sweetness
characteristic allows it to be effective in a variety of applications,
including beverages, dietary supplements and dairy products. — Roxlor International, 1300 Market Street,
Suite 401, Wilmington, Del. 19801; 302/778-4166; roxlor.com.
Green tea extracts
Taiyo’s Sunphenon line of green tea extracts
includes its new green tea base and green tea beverage line-up Sunphenon
30S, Sunphenon 30LB, Sunphenon 30R and Sunphenon MK-1. These highly
purified, standardized green tea catechins are perfect for use in
antioxidant-rich RTDs without the color or astringency typically associated
with such extracts. The Sunphenon nutritional line is available in
caffeinated, decaffeinated and reduced astringency extracts, with EGCg
purity levels as high as 95 percent. Taiyo also recently launched its
standardized natural green tea caffeine extracts, for energy and weight
loss products. Available in both 20 percent and 40 percent caffeine, these
extracts also contain high levels of standardized green tea catechins.
— Taiyo International Inc., 5960 Golden
Hills Drive, Minneapolis, Minn. 55416; 763/398-3003;
Natural grape extracts
Degussa Food Ingredients has become distributor for
Ferco Nutraceutique’s Grap´Active product line in North America
and Asia. The line includes grape seed and grape skin extracts for
functional foods and health supplements. Ferco uses a gentle extraction
technique that results in a flavorless, highly wettable and completely
water-soluble extract, and can be used in beverages and dairy products. It
has up to 95 percent polyphenol content, 85 percent proanthocyanidines, and
22 percent OPCs. — Degussa Food Ingredients, 10311 Chester Road, Cincinnati, Ohio
45215; 513/771-4682; degussafoodingredients.com.
Fruit flavors
California Custom Fruits and Flavors manufactures
fruit products and flavors for the beverage, confection, frozen, cultured
dairy and bakery industries. Housed in an 85,000-square-foot production
facility, the company offers laboratory
services such as research and development, quality assurance and a
full-service micro lab. — California
Custom Fruits and Flavors, 15800 Tapia Street, Irwindale, Calif. 91706;
626/736-4130; ccff.com.