News Briefs
Anheuser-Busch plans to increase its holding in Seattle’s Redhook
from 29 percent to 34 percent. “Our restructured agreement continues to provide
our wholesalers with a high-quality portfolio of craft specialty beers that
serves the key high-end segment,” said August Busch IV in a statement.
Euphoria Water Co., Miami,
Fla., has expanded its distribution in Arizona by contracting with Pearce Beverage Co. Euphoria
has exclusive co-branding rights with major national charities including
the March of Dimes, City of Hope, Special Olympics and Make-A-Wish
Foundation. The agreement will put the bottled water in IGA,
Albertson’s, Basha’s supermarkets and many convenience stores,
drug stores and restaurants.
“While we are primarily known for our beer distribution, getting
onboard with a cause-related product like Euphoria enhances customer and consumer
confidence in our business, while keeping our trucks full at the same time…
we have the benefit of an aggressive support program that enables us to sell
product as well as deliver a charitable message to all of our key accounts,”
said Pearce Beverage Marketing Director Bob Newquist.
Miller Brewing Co., Milwaukee,
recently announced it was one of only 36 companies to receive a 100 percent
rating from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Equality Index.
The annual HRC survey rates companies on how inclusive and supportive they
are to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees, consumers and
investors. The survey questions companies on their domestic partner
benefits, support for employee networks, advertising, community events and
organizational support.
“We’ve worked hard to develop and create policies that are supportive
to many diverse legal beer-drinking audiences and take great pride in our ability
to speak directly to these groups,” said Danae Davis, Miller’s director of diversity
affairs, in a statement.
Schools will be able to serve soymilk to kids who do
not drink milk thanks to some recently passed legislation. According to the
Soyfoods Association, which lobbied for the changes, parents will have to submit
written requests for their children to switch to soy, and schools will have
to notify state agencies of their plans to serve soymilk.
“Now if parents and schools take action, no child will be left
without a nutritious beverage to drink with their school meals,” said Tina Nelson,
past president of the Soyfoods Association of North America. “SANA will be helping
foodservice personnel understand how to meet the required notifications to secure
reimbursement when serving fortified soymilk.”
Stimson Lane Ltd.,
Woodinville, Wash., maker of Chateau Ste. Michelle and Columbia Crest
wines, has changed its name to Ste. Michelle
Wine Estates. The company has a portfolio of
seven Washington state wines, and during the past two years has added 20
people to its nationwide sales force and stepped up efforts in its export
markets such as Great Britain, Japan and Canada.