A-B-C Packaging Machine Corporation Phone: 800-237-5995 / 727-937-5144 Fax: 727-938-1239 www.abcpackaging.com Accuflex Industrial Hose, Ltd. Phone: 734-451-0080 Fax: 734-451-0544 accuflex@accuflex.com www.accuflex.com ADCOR Industries, Inc. - Phone: 800-648-6467 / 410-327-1700 Fax: 410-522-3597 adcor@adcorindustries.com www.adcorindustries.com Adprops Phone: 888-237-7677 Fax: 404-876-4220 maria@adprops.com www.adprops.com American PurPac Technologies, LLC Phone: 877-608-2792 Fax: 734-451-0544 sales@purpac.com www.purpac.com Amoretti Phone: 800-266-7388 / 818-718-1239 Fax: 818-718-0204 info@amoretti.com www.amoretti.com Angelus Sanitary Can Machine Company Phone: 323-583-2171 Fax: 323-587-5607 www.angelusmachine.com Arrowhead Systems Inc. Phone: 920-235-5562 Fax: 920-235-3638 www.arrowheadsystems.com BASF Corporation Inside Front Cover Phone: 800-527-9881 / 973-426-5376 Fax: 973-426-5399 nutrition@basf.com www.humannutrition.basf-corp.com BevExpo Phone: 703-876-0900 info@bevexpo.com www.bevexpo.com CCL Container Phone: 866-527-1496 / 203-354-4523 Fax: 203-354-4524 beveragesales@cclcontainer.com www.bottlecan.com CROWN Beverage Packaging Phone: 215-698-5248 Fax: 215-856-5568 nmitchell@crowncork.com www.crowncork.com David Michael & Company Inc. Phone: 215-632-3100 / 800-DM-FLAVORS Fax: 215-824-2890 www.dmflavors.com Dresser Instruments Phone: 800-328-8258x445 / 203-378-8281 Fax: 203-385-0408 www.dresserinstruments.com Euphoria Water Company Phone: 305-538-8558 Fax: 305-531-1017 www.euphoriawater.com Exopack Inside Back Cover Phone: 864-596-7166 Fax: 864-596-7175 www.ipaper.com Fogg Filler Phone: 616-786-3644 Fax: 616-786-0350 info@foggfiller.com www.foggfiller.com GE Infrastructure/Water & Process Technologies Phone: 952-933-2277 Fax 952-988-0141 custhelp@ge.com www.gewater.com Glass Packaging Institute . Phone: 703-684-6359 Fax: 703-684-6048 GMC Phone: 800-GMC-8782 www.gmc.com Graphic Packaging Phone: 770-795-3813 Fax: 770-644-3481 john.waid@riverwood.com www.graphicpkg.com Great Waters of Canada Phone: 519-622-4738 Fax: 519-622-9167 www.forbottledwater.com Haldin International, Inc. Phone: 201-784-2178 Fax: 201-784-2180 www.haldin-natural.com Haselden Company Phone: 843-884-6679 Fax: 843-884-6104 hci@haseldenco.com Hess Machine International Phone: 717-733-0005 Fax: 717-733-2255 ozone@hessmachine.com www.hessmachine.com Hyster Company Phone: 1-800-Hyster-1 Fax: 252-931-7877 information@hyster.com www.hysterusa.com InterHealth Nutraceuticals Inc. Phone: 707-751-2800 Fax: 707-751-2801 www.interhealthusa.com ITW Vortec / Paxton Products Phone: 800-959-8884 Fax: 805-389-1154 rsmith@paxtonproducts.com www.paxtonproducts.com Jammin Nectars Phone: 703-433-5299 Fax: 703-433-5329 juicemon@jamminnectars.com |
Juice Tyme Phone: 800-236-5823 Fax: 773-579-1251 lmayers@juicetyme.com www.juicetyme.com Jungbunzlauer, Inc. Phone: 617-969-0900 Fax: 617-964-2921 west@jungbunzlauer-inc.com www.jungbunzlauer.com Kisters Kayat Phone: 386-424-0101 Fax: 386-424-0266 www.kkiusa.com Lebatt USA Phone: 203-849-3675 Fax: 203-750-6672 www.labattusa.com Magline, Inc. Phone: 800-624-5463/989-879-2411 Fax: 989-879-5399 info@magliner.com www.magliner.com Micro Matic USA, Inc. Phone: 866-327-4159 Fax: 818-701-984 info@micro-matic.com www.micro-matic.com Multi-Vitamin Water Corporation Phone: 631-436-4400 Fax: 631-436-4481 rjpdesigns@aol.com www.multivitaminwater.com New Centennial, Inc. Phone: 800-241-7541 Fax: 706-327-9921 www.newcentennial.com The North American Beverage Company Phone: 609-399-1486 Fax: 609-399-1506 aimbesi@northamericanbeverage.com www.northamericanbeverage.com The NutraSweet Company Phone: 800-323-5321 great-taste@nutrasweet.com www.nutrasweet.com Omron Electronics Phone: 847-755-7170 Fax: 847-839-2170 www.oeiweb.omron.com Ottens Flavors Phone: 215-365-7800 Fax: 215-365-7801 flavors@ottens.com www.ottensflavors.com PakTech Phone: 541-461-5000 Fax: 541-461-5005 amie.thomas@paktech-opi.com www.paktech.com Pall Food & Beverage Phone: 410-560-3041 Fax: 410-560-2857 kasey_carroll@pall.com www.pall.com Robertet Flavors, Phone: 732-981-8300 Fax: 732-981-1717 robertetflavors@robertetusa.com www.robertetusa.com Roberts PolyPro Phone: 704-588-1794 Fax: 704-5881821 info@robertspolypro.com www.multipacks.net Sensient Flavors, Inc. Phone: 317-243-3521 Fax: 317-240-1524 flavors@sensient-tech.com www.sensient-tech.com Shell Oil Products U.S. Phone: 800-840-3806 www.shell-foodbev.com SleeveCo., Inc. Phone: 706-216-3110 Fax: 706-216-3116 martinw@sleeveco.com www.sleeveco.com Snapple Beverage Group Phone: 800-964-7842 Ext.7292/914-397-9200 Fax: 914-397-9285 www.snapple.com Stagnito Communications Phone: 847-205-5660 Fax: 847-205-5680 jkarwowski@stagnito.com Sterling Truck Corporation Back Cover Phone: 800-STL-HELP www.sterlingtrucks.com The Switch Beverage Company Phone: 804-675-4156 Fax: 804-675-4158 bhargis@switchbev.com www.switchbev.com Symrise GmbH & Co.KG www.symrise.com Tygard Machine Company Phone: 724-746-4500 Fax: 724-746-5107 ktygard@tygardclaw.com www.tygardclaw.com The Victoria Beverage Co., Inc. Phone: 800-232-8192 rperez@victoriasoda.com www.victoriasoda.com Videojet Technologies Inc. Phone: 630-860-7394 Fax: 630-616-3657 theresa.dicanio@videojet.com www.videojet.com Westfalia Separator Phone: 800-722-6622 / 201-767-3900 Fax: 201-767-3416 salesinfo@wsus.com www.wsus.com X Café Phone: 877-492-2331, 978-464-8010 Fax: 978-464-8033 info@x-café.com www.x-café.com Zahm & Nagel Company, Inc. Phone: 716-537-2110 Fax: 716-537-2106 zahmnagel@aol.com www.zahmnagel.com |
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