Square One Organic Spirits launched its fourth organic spirits Square One Basil. The vodka is infused with the organic essence of Genovese, Thai, Lemon and Sweet basil as well as a touch of organic coriander, honeysuckle and lemongrass to balance the robust herbal qualities for a soft finish, the company says. The vodka has a garden-fresh basil aroma with a clean, bright taste that has a soft hint of light black pepper, anise and citrus, it says. Square One Basil is available in 50-ml. bottles for $4.99 and 750-ml. sized bottles for $35, which are both packaged in the brand’s signature rectangular bottle.
Square One Organic Spirits, Novato, Calif.
Telephone: 415/209-0109
Internet: www.squareoneorganicspirits.com
Distribution: National
Square One Organic Spirits, Novato, Calif.
Telephone: 415/209-0109
Internet: www.squareoneorganicspirits.com
Distribution: National