The Nectar Soda Co. offers Vitamin Cold Rush Healthy Frozen Drinks, a slushie product featuring all-natural flavors, all-natural colors, 40 percent recommended daily value of six vitamins and trace minerals, and electrolytes. Vitamin Cold Rush supplies 40 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamins B3, B5, B6, B12, D3, zinc and folic acid. A 20-ounce serving also contains 68 calories, less than 17 grams of sugar and trace minerals and electrolytes. Vitamin Cold Rush is available in flavors, such as Pomeberry Fusion, Mangotopia, Banana Colada, Orange Dreamcicle, Everyberry, Mocha Madness, New Orleans Nectar and Vanilla Rum Runner flav. The product is available for distribution in convenience stores, hospitals, schools, colleges, amusement parks and health clubs, the company says.
The Nectar Soda Co., Baton Rouge, La.
Telephone: 877/463-2827
Internet: www.vitamincoldrush.com
Distribution: Select markets
For more new beverages, visit Beverage Industry's New Products page.
The Nectar Soda Co., Baton Rouge, La.
Telephone: 877/463-2827
Internet: www.vitamincoldrush.com
Distribution: Select markets
For more new beverages, visit Beverage Industry's New Products page.