The Gatorade Co., a division of PepsiCo, reformulated its Gatorade Tiger Focus. The product includes theanine, which when combined with carbohydrates and hydration, helps promote mental focus, the company says. Gatorade Tiger Focus also provides vitamin E, and has half the calories and 25 percent more electrolytes than Gatorade Thirst Quencher. Gatorade Tiger Focus will be available at grocery stores in a 32-ounce bottle and 16.9-ounce eight-packs, and at convenience stores in a 32-ounce and 16.9-ounce bottles.
The company also redesigned its Gatorade Thirst Quencher line and put the letter G along with the brand’s iconic bolt. In addition, Gatorade Fierce is now Bring It; Gatorade X-Factor changes to Be Tough; Gatorade AM is now called Shine On; and Gatorade Rain becomes No Excuses. Each beverage will “convey the attitude of a tough-love coach or personal trainer, through in-your-face names on the label and nutrition benefits inside,” the company says. All the products are available in 32-ounce single-serve bottles, 20-ounce eight-packs and 12-ounce six-packs.