Diageo’s Norwalk, Conn., headquarters has been awarded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star rating. The rating signifies that the building’s energy performance rates in the top 25 percent of facilities nationwide.
“At Diageo we are committed to increasing sustainability and are constantly evaluating our facilities to see how we can reduce our environmental impact,” said Roberta Barbieri, global environmental project manager at Diageo, in a statement. “This accomplishment is another step toward reducing our impact on climate change, water resources and waste. We would like to recognize our corporate real estate team for working vigorously to achieve this important rating.”
Diageo implemented initiatives such as installation of occupancy sensors on interior lights, installation of timers on common area lighting, replacement of light bulbs with more energy efficient varieties, strategic automation of heating and cooling systems; harnessing and use of natural light and airflow as well as raising employee awareness. Commercial buildings with Energy Star ratings use an average of 35 percent less energy than typical buildings and release 35 percent less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.