Imperial Brands’ Sobieski vodka added Orange, Karamel and Raspberry flavors to its line of imported vodkas. Sobieski Orange, Karamel and Raspberry are naturally flavored and made with Dankowski Rye like other Sobieski vodka varieties, the company says. The Orange variety blends the fruit’s sweet and sour tang and has an intense, yet clean finish, it says. Sobieski Karamel has a sweet, milky tone and can be paired with cream liqueurs and coffee, it says. Raspberry has a true-to-the-fruit raspberry aroma. Sobieksi Orange, Karamel and Raspberry are available nationwide in 750-ml. bottles for $10.99.
Imperial Brands Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Telephone: 561/624-5662
Internet: www.truthinvodka.com
Distribution: National
For more new beverages, visit Beverage Industry's New Products page.
Imperial Brands Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Telephone: 561/624-5662
Internet: www.truthinvodka.com
Distribution: National
For more new beverages, visit Beverage Industry's New Products page.