The Boston Beer Co. added to its Imperial Series lineup with traditional Scotch-style ale, Samuel Adams Wee Heavy. The beer is 10 percent alcohol by volume and takes its name from the Scottish practice of naming ales for their strength, which ranges from light to heavy. Samuel Adams Wee Heavy is meant to be savored and appreciated like a fine wine, the company says. Traditional Scotch ales are known for their full-bodied maltiness and combination of deep roasted flavor and earthy smoke character. Samuel Adams brewers gave the style a unique twist by adding peat smoked malt reminiscent of the Scottish highlands, which provides a subtle sweetness and earthy smokiness to the beer, the company says. Balancing the strong malts, English East Kent Goldings and Fuggles hops were used to extend the earthy flavors, it says. Samuel Adams Wee Heavy is available nationwide in four-packs for $9.99.
The Boston Beer Co., Boston
Telephone: 617/368-5000
Internet: www.samueladams.com
Distribution: National
The Boston Beer Co., Boston
Telephone: 617/368-5000
Internet: www.samueladams.com
Distribution: National