Punzone vodkaCrafted from organic wheat grown in northwest Italy, Punzoné vodka now is available in select markets in the United States. As the first spirits to be produced by Cantine Sgarzi Luigi winery, the vodkas are available in Ultra-Premium Punzoné Vodka, Punzoné Originale and Punzoné Lemoncino varieties. Punzoné vodka is an 80-proof spirit; Punzoné Originale is a vodka, red sangria and blood orange-infused ready-to-serve beverage; and Punzoné Lemoncino is a vodka, white sangria and lemon-infused ready-to-serve beverage. All three varieties are certified organic by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the European Union. A 1-liter bottle of Punzoné Vodka retails for approximately $42.99; 1-liter bottles of Punzoné Originale and Lemoncino each have a suggested retail price of $37.99.

Punzoné Inc., New York
Internet: www.punzone.com
Distribution: Select markets