Now that the popular mobile game Flappy Bird has been pulled from the app market, you might be wondering what you are going to do with your time.

I’m pleased to announce that Beverage Industry has launched Bev Industry Mobile for iOS and Android-based smartphones and tablets. Now all the content and news that you enjoy in Beverage Industry and on can be viewed on your mobile devices through Bev Industry Mobile.

You can log onto to download the app for iPhone, iPad or Android devices. For Apple users, the app is compatible with iOS 5.1 and later, and Android owners require version 4.0 or later. If either of these are not compatible with your device, don’t worry; we have developed a mobile website at This page can be saved on your device as an HTML5 app.

In order to help you navigate all the features, Managing Editor Stephanie Cernivec also filmed a how-to video, which can be viewed on our BevIndustry TV portal or our YouTube Channel,

And if you have more questions, visit, which contains a list of frequently asked questions as well as a mobile support contact icon that is located on the right-hand side of the page.

I hope you enjoy Bev Industry Mobile, and please feel free to share your feedback by sending me an email at

Happy mobile apping!

—     Jessica Jacobsen, editor