The Edrington Group has repackaged its Brugal Rum brand in a new glass bottle that is more suitable for bottle manufacturing and high-speed bottling lines, theBrugal rum company says. The new bottle, which is produced by Ardagh Group, features an overall round shape with a square body section and an arched front eyebrow, which runs parallel to the front label. Because the bottle is mostly round with a square section, Ardagh Group used an “across corners” partline to achieve mold opening in production. This, in turn, impacted the positioning of the front eyebrow, which had to be redesigned to achieve the desired look, it says. At the same time, Ardagh Group also helped Brugal Rum meet the challenge of creating the lightest bottle in its class while retaining the range of sizes within the brand family and satisfying the technical requirements of the Blow-Blow bottle production process, it adds.