Reed’s Inc., Los Angeles, announced plans to produce a new line of ginger-based products designed to compete with over-the-counter medicines. The company, which makes Reed’s Ginger Brews, says the new line is scheduled to launch during the first quarter of 2010 and will include beverages.
“For years, we have been hearing from our customers on how they use our ginger brews to treat health conditions,” said Chris Reed, founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Reed’s Inc., in a statement. “We’ve spoken to customers using our drinks for motion sickness, food poisoning, migraines, morning sickness, irritable bowel syndrome and even autism.”
The line also responds to a trend that “drug stores have started to include natural drug alternatives alongside over-the-counter drugs,” he said. The company has trademarked a new brand, R(x)eed’s, where the ‘r’ and ‘x’ are joined similar to old drug store signs, Reed said.
The new brand will include variations on some of the company’s most popular products, which in addition to beverages also include Reed’s Ginger Candies and Reed’s Ginger Ice Creams.
Reed’s Ginger Brews, Virgil’s Root Beer and China Cola are currently available in gourmet natural food stores, mainstream supermarket chains, retail stores and restaurants nationwide and in Canada.